Monday, April 8, 2013


Hello and thank you, as you've been kind enough to organize time out of your busy schedule to read my rant on 'fighting hunger' and it's so-called awareness. Well alright, to some of you who believe that it may be relevant in any given time, for the reason of somehow relieving people from starvation, then by all means ignore me. My putting of opinions out here in the open is for you to know, and that is but all i do, my take on the matter.
Moving on, seeing as I've not formally introduced myself, i feel like an incompetent fool. Though there is much less anything to say, still you must have already cracked your head times over(or maybe not) who i must be.
Just a brief introduction, I'm past my teens and like to put my thoughts out in the open harsh world of criticism and disapproval. IF you have a bone to pick with whatever I've unintentionally said and/or offended you in, mind you, I'm a vegan.
This should comfort you for the moment, for I've not made such literal impression yet.
I read books.
Fickleness and impulsive composure are my unfortunate traits.
I don't wish to further my introduction.
Stay if you wish; spectate in the nothings that go through my mind and leave.
My gratitude to you all.

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